This website was built with love for someone special in mind. Seeing her preparing SAT, I upgraded my previous question bank with new features to help her master concepts and track progress. I hope this website helps her and many others to achieve their dream score.


We at OnePrep understand the challenges of SAT prep. We've all been there, juggling practice with limited resources and wishing for a more streamlined approach.
OnePrep was born from this very experience. Our founder, frustrated with scattered practice materials, envisioned a platform that brought everything together. We started with a simple question bank, but the dream was bigger. Now, OnePrep is here to be your one-stop shop for SAT prep.
We curate high-quality practice tests and questions from various sources, offering a comprehensive and convenient practice experience. We believe in making your prep efficient and effective, so you can focus on achieving your best score.
Let OnePrep be your partner on the road to SAT success!

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MD Abdullah
